Travel / August 3, 2018

Island Park


By far my favorite island.


Escaping to our little handcrafted cabin that backs onto the Buffalo River is one of my very favorite ways to spend a weekend. Now, Zac has finally been able to spend a bit of my in one of my favorite places.


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We arrived super late at night and carried our things in through the living room that is still decorated with the same leather furniture from when my dad was a kid. I think the only thing Zac noticed was the foosball table.


But the next morning the first thing out of his mouth was “wow” which is exactly how I felt there is something about being engulfed in a sea of pine trees (& out of service with no wifi) that makes me feel completely disconnected from the world.


We spent the weekend on the river, both floating and fishing, riding razors and bikes around, playing board games, poker and enjoying all the company we were in.
















