Zac & I / September 12, 2017

Feeling Sappy

Today is no different than any other day this isn’t our 1,2,3…. month anniversary, and there wasn’t a moment today where I stopped to evaluate my life. But I did roll out of bed  grouchy after my husband woke me up by kissing me till I nearly suffocated at 5:30 in the morning, went to the grocery store while I got ready for work, and made me my daily protein shake before I ran out the door.


Cliche and cheesy – I know – but it’s the little things that make being married better than anything else. My world has become a paradox by becoming much smaller and larger at the same time. He is everything to me and at the same time he makes me so excited to experience everything in the whole world with him.


My current mood of all things love and all things good brought me to watch our love story (on repeat whoops) so please enjoy:
<p><a href=”″>Our Love Story</a> from <a href=””>Kaestlecastle</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p>

A big thank you to our videographer @IndyBlue_



Also on a super side note my very favorite part of this video is when we talk about the first time we said “I love you.” because we told the story SO similar. I cried the first time I saw the clips because I hadn’t heard ANY of Zac’s answers (Indy put me in the car while she filmed him).

