Travel / February 16, 2017

Came to Cambridge

I rolled out of bed at about 7:00 am the morning of my 9:00 flight. To the unpleasant view of an empty suitcase. So I rushed around my room throwing things into my bag and getting ready. I made it to the airport and parked with about 40 minutes til my flight so thank goodness for TSA precheck because it saved my life (again).


Boarded my plane and made the long journey to the second to back row which seemed like it was becoming a tradition (until my flight home). And arrived in boston to catch an Uber out to Cambridge. Ok because I sold real estate for 2 years (& still do on the side) I am obsessed with houses and Boston’s architecture is amazing. I was fixated at watching the classic buildings through the window.


First thing first was a little exploring around Cambridge. They have so many bakeries there it is insane. I could have drank hot chocolate and eaten pastries for weeks and still had nes places to try. It would also take me the long because my toe was cut open skiing earlier that week and so I was hobbling around. But shortly after we changed and headed to a dinner reception. Sooo unlike most weekends this one was not for fun it was a Political Conference at Harvard University. We got to meet with Congressman Kennedy that first evening, who is very talented. I was impressed with his speech but even more so with his technique.

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We spent the evening in a few local taverns and shops near campus.
Then the next day we met with students and political advocates about how to help “reconnect America”. We held a focus group, went into break out sessions, met with political authors etc. 


Then carried on the Massachusetts praise of The Kennedy’s by visiting JFK’s museum. It was breathtaking. Really just so much history and patriotism filling the building. Not to mention amazing views.

That night we ate in the freshman dinning hall – looking back staying in Boston to eat really good food and see the city probably would have been a better choice- but it looked like the great hall in Harry Potter. And did you know Harvard sorts it’s students into 12 houses?! I think JK Rowling may have found some inspiration there (just kidding I know she was broke and started writing the books on a napkin).

Sunday we had presentations, left the conference and headed for a much needed lunch. We ate at this museum I had never heard of that was some ladies house back in the day. It was YUGE (as Donald would say). There was invaluable art work hanging on every wall and furniture that was made all around the world and shipped there.


When we noticed the time it once again became a mad dash to get to the airport in time. On our way we passed Fenway Park, the market, and so many amazing places that I want to just extend a few days and explore. This may have been my only trip to Cambridge but it certainly was not my last time to Boston.


Finally, once we made it to the airport a whole bunch of U of U business students were there so we hangout with them and then all hoped on a plane.


This flight was different. First, because I got upgraded YAY FOR AMEX AND DELTA. Secondly, because my phone died as I got on the flight, honestly I was annoyed just thinking about it, because there were no plus (Delta -1) and I normally just put my headphones in and pass out for the flight. Instead, I spent the entire 5 hour trip in an intellectually stimulating conversations with a complete stranger. He was middle aged, well travel, and successful. We bantered about Politics, shared travel stories and at the end I received his contact information and an invite to a double date that I plan to make happen.


Those are the moments when I wonder if life was bette when we were disconnected? Is that why we find less value in friendships and relationships sometimes? There are so many days when I would just like to have myself and the people I am with leave our phones at home.


Although I was not touring around it was a great trip and defiantly expanded my culture.



