Travel / January 27, 2017

The Bay Area

So first of all I have to admit a few things

1. I am addicted to traveling (and maybe in a slightly unhealthy way).

2. I have the best boyfriend, hands down. Sorry to get all sappy but I really feel so lucky all the time.

So Zac was in Mexico (visiting Oaxaca a place you have probably never heard of but that he served his LDS mission in) for the majority of the month of December, which meant we kept our relationship through FaceTime not a new concept to us since he spent a month in Europe right after our first date and then I went to Portland, Puerto Vallarta, Colorado etc. Anyway we were having one of our FaceTime dates and he starts talking to me about my birthday and somehow in the half an hour conversation he had decided it was official HE WAS GIVING ME A TRIP TO SAN FRAN FOR MY BIRTHDAY. Like what? Ok.

He started watching flights because after all we are college kids and do still have a budget (that we tend to ignore sometimes if I am being honest). He found some for $130 but the next day they shot up to $250 or something. Which meant there was no way we were going to drop that for two days in the city (It had to be a quick trip because of work & school). So we postponed the trip to a few weekends after my birthday.

Fast forward to last Friday when I literally ran out of my office, hopped in my car and met Zac to head to the airport. He’s one of those super prepared type of people (a mini version of his dad) so even though we were and hour and a half early for a middle of a business day flight I think he was a little stressed for time. Where as I have rolled up for flights a half an hour before take off and bartered my way up the security line. I’ll admit, Zac’s way is better.

A few hours later we were landing in SFO airport. Thankfully, we had our own travel “guide” a detailed map of everything to do from a once local, Ken. We left the tourists and followed the locals to the BART (San Fran’s subway). We got off at the Powell station which was just a short walk to Union Square Area and our hotel. The rain had already started when we came up from unground so we bundled up in our rain gear and headed out.

Powell street is beautiful. You come up and there are the classic cable cars, hole-in-the wall restaurants and boutiques, and these trees growing in between the buildings and street.

We dropped our luggage off at the hotel, and by that I basically mean mine. Zac could have probably carried his the entire weekend, he packs about an 8th of what I do anytime we go anywhere.

We stopped at Lori’s Diner for dinner before heading up to China Town. First stop in the shops was to get me an umbrella, a much needed investment as we had already discovered. We browsed the shops getting yelled at when I posed with statues. We watched thousands of cats wave “good luck” to us from shelves. Scanned the isles filled with silk robes, fans, stuffed pandas. And of course rubbed every buddhas belly we had the chance to (they claim it brings you good luck). As well as ate Gymibow in a little bakery it’s AMAZING TRY IT but I promise that one is your limit anything else and you are going to pretty much pass out.

The next morning our plan was to bike the golden gate bridge which we would have been successful at if we had really read our travel details better, but instead we didn’t and had an awesome unplanned experience. Side tangent: I think that no matter what I do to plan a trip it’s the unplanned moments that are always better. Duke my typical travel companion may not agree since he is always our planner and I normally have 1 thing I really want to see and the rest I have a “let’s just explore” attitude. ANYWAY. We got off a bus at the wrong stop somewhere in the middle of an area that looked like it was still in the process of gentrification.

Both of our stomachs were growling so much there really was no other option other than FOOD so I pointed at a little cafe with light strung up and said we should eat there (the lights were 100% of my pitch for this to be where we ate). let me tell you IT WAS THE BEST BRUNCH I HAVE EVER HAD. No joke. We split a french toast with berries (no surprise this is really what I get 99% of the time I go to breakfast) and a biscuit, sausage, egg mix. Both had my mouth watering and we cleared the plates easy.

Then we walked the town a little more before hoping on a bus to the golden gate bridge. As soon as we got out of the bus and Zac exclaimed “No way I’ve seen this bridge explode 1,000 times” I don’t think the mom next to us thought it was very funny. However, seeing it in person is a different experience then the movies and one I highly recommend.

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The surf was so high while we were there there were a bunch of people surfing below the bridge which was cool to watch.

We spent our afternoon In Girhideli Square and then down in the Golden Gate Park which is filled with different gardens, a river, and lots of geese that I am sure were happy to see us leave.

Our dinner plan was hunting down what we were told is “the best burrito in the world” we ended up at this little Mexican restaurant devouring burritos that were just about that only to find out that the place we were supposed to go was a block away with the exact same name. So I guess our stomach hunger pains beat our brains.

On our way back from dinner the sidewalk was over crowded with people carrying protest signs for the Women’s March so we cut up a side street and found ourselves in the middle of THOUSANDS of women and men marching the street. This is not a I support or don’t support post because I feel that there is far to much hate from both sides being shared this week. We simply had an amazing experience when we climbed up onto the top of a bus stop to watch as the waves of the crowd passed us and more continued to appear on the horizon.

That night we went to a subpar comedy show. However, I would always recommend comedy shows.  I am such a sucker for a good laugh. I simply think that this one required a large does of alcohol to convince yourself it was hilarious. Of course we finished the night with a Banana Split and a game of Rummy.

Okay LAST DAY: we woke up (late) cause our feet hurt from walking so much and I had this nasty blister on the back of my ankle so the night before I was hobbling around between the comedy show and restaurant haha. We walk out to SUNSHINE the first we had seen all trip, which presented the perfect opportunity to ride the cable cars. We hoped on one up to lombard street (it’s the famous crooked street). And is honestly so cool.

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We were walking down the street when a guy in a freshly cleaned fiat with a huge cigar blast California rap music slowly came rolling down the hill. There are 3 guesses we have as to how the moment was so perfect:

  1. He has been waiting his WHOLE life for that one moment and had it all set up
  2. He has been driving a loop all day
  3. He lives on the street and likes to see tourist reactions reach day

SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?! I am sticking with #1

(pics I took of Zac that I am sure he wouldn’t post but model status *heart eye emoji*)

We got another delicious brunch I had three types of avocado toast: a basic girl addiction for sure, and Zac got a waffle topped with a plethora of berries and whipped cream. I wish I had taken a picture but instead of sifting through hundreds of photos like normal and narrowing it down I hardly took ANY. We were having so much fun I really kept forgetting to document everything.

The last stop of our trip was Fisherman’s Wharf  where we walked the Piers until we were soaked. Our pants were literally a different color by the time we made it into the arcade. Which we then had to play the “Clown Down” game. We broke the record (not surprising since we really CANNOT go into an arcade and not end up playing the game). Then played cards in a cute little coffee shop until the rain started to calm down.

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I realize that this post was so long and really more of a journal than anything WHOOPS. I highly doubt anyone but my own mom (if even that) will get through it all but YAY for weekends away and YAY for planes and YAY for amazing cool cultures that you get to see when you travel.

