Travel / December 28, 2016

On the Coast in Cabo

Well it’s been a little over a month since we got back from Cabo & I figured it was about time I put some more photos up (esp. since I had to refrain from blasting IG for weeks with photos).


That’s how I feel whenever I go on a trip, but especially when Duke and Jordynn come.


We took our largest family trip so far and called it #Charlesworthpartyof10 a big thanks to our parents for letting us bring Zac and Jordynn with us (plus Brit the soon to be Charlesworth).


The week was amazing filled with great locals to show us around, swimming with sea lions,  & THE BEST TACOS OF MY LIFE. I don’t say that lightly because I made Zac drive me back into town our last night to go to the same place and get this amazing cheese taco just to find that it was closed on Mondays.. I nearly cried I was so sad…  Jordynn was in the same depression mode for those few minutes. Long live the tacos of San Jose Del Cabo.


We arrived in Cabo and headed to our house. To be surprised by a private chef. We all took off in different directions to claim our room for the week. Then came out to enjoy our first Mexican meal.


I have to say one of my favorite days was when we spent it on a private boat, they dropped anchor just off shore and after our snorkeling adventure we paddle boarded over to a white sand beach and then found shells in the water. Zac flipped off the ship (show off) and grabbed two shells for B that could have enclosed her head.



In the mornings Duke, Jordynn, and I would wake up and wander off somewhere to watch the sunrise and then in the heat of the day we would play Nertz until we were all yelling at each other.


One night we went into town for an art walk and ended up meeting a bank robber from Arizona. We both his book and throughout the week is was passed from person to person reading about his “escape to Cabo.”


We kayaked, body surfed, and paddle boarded by our beach and built sandcastles. We ate a delicious restaurants, and wandered in and out of shops. And when the week started to come to a close I think everyone wished we could double our vacation time.


Cabo was hands down one of the best family trips we’ve taken.


All photos in this post are by  my cutie



