Travel / November 16, 2016

The Rockies

Last weekend I took off with one of my favorite little cliques (@dukemoose & @jordy.b_photo). Saturday morning at 5 am we set foot in the SLC airport for a quick flight to Colorado.


We had been planning to meet up with a photographer who got called to film a documentary but thankfully @j.scud (Justin) is one of the greatest humans because he hosted us for the entire weekend & is spectacular.



We jumped in an uber to take us downtown and ate at a random hole-in-the-wall. A few hours later Justin picked us up at a mall nearby & we headed to Estes Park. I had reserved an Airbnb earlier that week for us. However, it was not your normal Airbnb, it was a bible camp tucked in the Colorado Rockies. We checked into our room full of bunks & a few minutes later Justin was hustling us out & back on the road.


We met up with Collin (@Cbmurtagh), Sam, & Amie for a sunset hike up to dream lake. The lake was beginning to freeze over and made for some beautiful views especially with the drastic mountain peaks behind it.



By the time we got back to the cars it was dark, cold, & we were starving. So we crammed down two pizzas (& Justin got a third). Then we all headed back to the camp for the night.




(Justin showing you how happy I am about the honey pizza combo)

Thankfully the people you meet via instagram are the coolest cause we played Heads-up and an improve game for hours before telling scary stories and then crashing.


It was only a few hours before our alarm was chiming for us to scurry out of bed in time to make it back up the mountains for sunrise. The wind was brutal and the air crisps and powerful went right through my thin layers but the view was more than worth it.



After breakfast that morning we (Jordynn, Duke, Justin, & myself) said our goodbyes to the others and headed to Boulder. There we met up with Andrew (@Andrewkkillinger), who continued over the day to impress me with his intellectual thoughts and insights. He’s also trying to get his pictures in Target so if you have any connections hit him up!



We went to a waterfall (that I can’t remember the name of- yanks sorry!) but it had dried up. So we took a lunch break and played the new iMessage games (sorry a plug for Apple) honestly I am so so obsessed with them.


After that we headed to meet up with Rick (@rick.holliday) to drive to a lake. Only when we got there we realized the road as closed and we would have to hike a good portion of the way… however Colorado photographers are used to having to really work for their shots so they didn’t even hesitate to pack up and take off. It was another sunset at a lake, but this time with a headwind the entire hike up.


We ended the night with another dinner of Pizza & then Justin drove us the almost two hours to the airport.



It was less than 48 hrs but I feel like so much happened. I am so grateful for the accessibility we have to fly to a new place, connect with new people, & experience beauty with them.




