Life / October 24, 2016

I got a sister

Well… technically she isn’t my sister yet. But Chase and Brittney are officially engaged.


I could not be more excited for them, you know how each family has that one sibling that you think will probably just keep enjoying their strangely addicting hobbies (for Chase that was cars & mt bikes) for decades before they give up on loving those items and get married? Well my sibling was Chase, but it only took a few weeks of him knowing Brittney to start thinking this may be different.


Chase picked a spot up Muller Park canyon to pop the question. The parents & I went up to set up the whole area before hand hanging photos he had gotten for the big moment & raking leaves into the spot so that it would be super colorful.


I got to watch as they admired the photos once they rounded the corner, kissed, & then my big brother got down on one knee to ask the girl of his dreams the biggest question of his life. Her response “Of course I will” (with a bit of a hard flip emoji). Chase slipped the ring onto her finger & just like that I AM GETTING A NEW SISTER!


I am so so excited to officially have her as part of our family…. & am also looking forward to finding the dress, bridal parties, & of course the big day.


Congrats you two.

October 23 2016
