Life / September 14, 2016

A Fairly good time

There are very few things that I would want to do two days in a row, but going to the Utah state fair is one of those.


Night one, I went with my awesome friend Sarah, we hadn’t actually seen each other in a very long time so we had more to catch up on than ever before. Sarah also happens to be a bomb photographer. We got cotton candy, popcorn, and did the Big Yellow Slide way too many times. I have no complaints. The slide was always a highlight of my childhood at the fair.




My second night I went with some of my favorite people. Zac, Josh, Nicole and I pulled up and ran to the carnival event where Tanner had saved us seats for the circus. Before I even sat down Tanner told me the Devines were a few rows over from us. So after the show we all waited around to say hi to them – when I say we all did I mean Shona and I wanted to and everyone else were good sports about it.

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Then we did what all kids should do at the fair, hop on some rides that probably shouldn’t be running anymore. Number one ride of the night? The Spaceship 4000, I am still surprised none of us puked afterward.


Days at the state fair are some of the very limited memories that I still have from my childhood so nights there are always well spent.
