Travel / September 10, 2016

Drive to Dunes

When Zac Fox asked me to do a photo adventure with him I assumed he meant a couple hours up a canyon surrounding the Salt Lake Valley. But I was thrilled when he told me he wanted to take a trip down to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes.


My weekend was stacked. So we had to leave after 9 pm and be back by noon the next day. That meant 8 hours of driving and a few hours to shoot. Lucas, Zac, Nicole, & myself clambered into the little red car and set out for the red sand.


When Nicole and I get together sometimes I think people underestimate what they are really signing up for. We were Snap Chatting like it was the greatest new invention and practicing way too many accents.


We made it down to a road in the middle of no where and the boys pulled over to get some star shots. While trying to capture this image cars would come causing us to jump up and run off the road. The fourth time that happened the truck slowed, flipped on it’s lights, and circled back to us. We braced ourselves for the wrath that was about to come but it never came. He got out, asked if we needed help, and then started joking with us about what four kids from Salt Lake where doing in their little town at 2 am. Two more cops joined in our conversation until they got pulled away by an emergency.


We finished the drive on a dirt road and then pulled up to a sight that looked like a different planet. The sand was cool and appeared to stretch forever in each direction (very different than it felt in the morning). We were so tired everything seemed funny so we rolled down the sides of the dunes and ran up and down them singing.


Eventually we all passed out, shivering under a small blanket I bought at a gas station.


The sun started rising a half an hour after we had all settled down so we trekked back to the car and then back to the dunes to enjoy a few hours of sunlight on them.

Then we hoped in the car and headed home. Once again, Subway saved my stomach with a delicious sandwich at a moment when I needed it most.img_2567-jpg



