Life / March 14, 2016

A Day as a Jones

Wanna go to the zoo with my fam Saturday? haha


The text popped up on my watch Thursday afternoon from Kierstin, who I don’t see nearly enough. How could I say no to an afternoon with the Jones family?


We headed into the mad house that Hogle Zoo becomes on one of the first warm Saturdays of the year.


I have found that things made for children such as amusement parks, arcades, and zoos are as much if not more fun with a group of adults.




Being adopted by the Jones family for the day automatically gives me the two cutest sisters on the planet. The three of us didn’t waste anytime getting decked out in appropriate tourist gear. Or competing with preschool groups for front row views of the animals.




We drew quite a bit of attention; possibly from our average age of mid twenties, to our impressive hats, and slightly obnoxious excitement.


Colton even caught the attention of the male gorilla who slammed himself against the glass as soon as Colt appeared. He left a hand print at Colton’s head level and then mopped around glaring at Colton and avoiding him. It’s impressive to see how aware animals are of the people observing them.




Finally, we finished the night by over indulging in some delicious greasy pizza and great conversation in the cellar turned restaurant The Pie.


I love the Jones family and am always so happy to play daughter for the day.
