Life / March 11, 2016

Home Sweet Home

This morning I pulled into the Ogden Valley to meet a buyer from New Jersey.


Over the past year I have had many detailed conversations with her over email about what type of property she was looking for. When you have never met someone face to face but know so much about their life actually meeting them is sometimes shocking.


Today made me extremely grateful for my job. Throughout the course of the day I saw little pieces that made her puzzle come together in my mind.

We were standing in a home overlooking Snow Basin resort when I watched her face light up. She began invisioning her own furniture in the home and what her life would be like in the valley. When someone finds their home it’s similar to watching the women on Say Yes to the Dress… People light up. And as an agent we see it instantly.


This woman had spent the rest of her life living for other people. She’s lived in the background for decades and is finally doing what she has wanted to for years.

Welcome to Utah Lesley, I know you’ll love it.


1 Comment

  1. Dan Ramos

    Thats so awesome! I bought my first house almost two years ago and still remember the feeling I had when I put in an offer 🙂

    29 . Apr . 2016

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